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Special talk: Saturday 11am 
May 4th
The Mount of Olives, Plate Tectonics and Bible Prophecy

(Meeting is expected to last 1 hour. Parking available at hall.)


This talk will briefly consider the theory of Plate Tectonics and the empirical evidence which supports it, particularly in the Land of Israel and the area around Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. 

Consideration will then be given to what the Bible says about seismology and the dividing of the Earth and earthquakes that have occurred in the past during the history of Israel.  

These considerations will provide the context to one future earthquake promised in the Bible which will be centred on the Mount of Olives, that will occur at a time of great crisis for natural Israel. Scripture describes this time as the Great Battle of Armageddon.  Seismology and prophecy will be shown to come together to witness to the reliability of the Bible and to God’s message of salvation.

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